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Investigación y educación

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Survey of psychiatrists and psychiatry residents in Colombia about their preventive and therapeutic practices in delirium. Rev Colomb Psiquiatr (Engl Ed).
Investigación y Educación web_14

Franco JG, Oviedo Lugo GF, Patarroyo Rodriguez L, Bernal Miranda J, Carlos Molano J, Rojas Moreno M, Cardeño C, Velasquez Tirado JD. 30/10/2021.



To describe pharmacological and non-pharmacological practices for delirium, carried out by psychiatry residents and psychiatrists in Colombia.


The practices of the respondents coincide with those of other experts around the world. In general, non-pharmacological actions are individual initiatives, which demonstrates the need in Colombian health institutions to commit to addressing delirium, in particular when its prevalence and consequences are indicators of quality of care.

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