Multinational Prospective Cohort Study of Mortality Risk Factors in 198 ICUs of 12 Latin American Countries over 24 Years: The Effects of Healthcare-Associated Infections. J Epidemiol Glob Health.

"Jimenez-Alvarez LF, Reyes LP, Alvarez-Moreno CA, Gomez K, Alarcon J, Oñate JM, Aguilar-Moreno LA, Ojeda JSB, Tobar IFG." 5/10/2022
The International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) has found a high ICU mortality rate in Latin America.
Some of the identified mortality RFs are unlikely to change, such as the income level of the country, facility ownership, hospitalization type, ICU type, and age. But some of the mortality RFs we found can be changed, and efforts should be made to reduce CL-days, UC-days, MV-utilization ratio, UC-utilization ratio, and lower VAPs and CAUTI rates.