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"Mitral valve repair in severe mitral regurgitation after blunt chest trauma. Trauma Case Rep."

Investigación y Educación

Rincón-Tello FM, Maldonado-Escalante JD, Sánchez-Rojas JA, Pérez-Rivera CJ, Serna L, 1/8/2022

Mitral valve insufficiency is a pathological condition frequently caused by etiologies such as rheumatic heart disease, ischemic cardiomyopathy, leaflets prolapse, endocarditis, rupture of a chordae tendineae, ventricular disorders or congenital heart defects among others. Nevertheless, blunt thoracic trauma, although as a rare cause, can produce valve abnormalities. We describe a case of surgical mitral valve repair of a severe insufficiency caused by blunt chest trauma in a high energy road motorbike accident.

We report a rare case of severe mitral insufficiency caused by a high energy blunt chest trauma in motorcycle accident treated by a multidisciplinary approach and a deferred surgical correction responding to the patient's complex clinical condition upon admission. Surgical mitral valve repair was performed on a partial tear of the anterolateral commissure and posterior leaflet several months after the accident. The successful repair was completed without any residual insufficiency. Based on this report, we recommend that cases of high energy blunt thoracic trauma must be examined thoroughly and an echocardiography has to be performed in order to rule out cardiac disturbances. We also consider that surgical and medical management must be individualized and discussed in a multidisciplinary manner."

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